Volunteer Opportunities for Alumni

Alumni Chapters & Events
Get involved with regional and international alumni chapters and help bolster the alumni community in your area. All skills, ideas, and experience levels are welcome.

Tepper Philanthropy Volunteer
Become a Tepper Alumni Philanthropy (TAP) volunteer and help garner contributions from alumni in your class, at your company, or in your region.

Reunion Class Ambassador
Class Ambassadors are essential to the success of your Reunion Weekend. There are plenty of ways we can apply your talents to make this reunion the best ever.
Student Mentor
Mentoring is a critical success factor for our students pursuing first-time entrepreneurship and game management. Pay it forward by serving as a mentor.
Alumni Admissions Ambassador
Serve as an Alumni Admissions Ambassador to help Master’s Admissions recruit an exceptional and diverse pool of MBA applicants to the Tepper School.
Recruit Tepper Students
Serving as a Tepper School Alumni Recruiter means you know you’re getting the best. Recruiting can be done at the Tepper School through a variety of channels.